The EURMED-Team is happy to work with any type of prehospital or clinical provider that requires evidence-based medical guidance and training. We also work with untrained people looking for an introduction to the world of medicine.
Whether you come from a civilian, military, or law enforcement background, we are happy to create a custom educational package for your unit or organization.
Depending on the requirements of your team this can include both cognitive-domain education such as seminars, lectures, or workshops, or practical-domain education such as skill labs and training events.
Our team specializes in the following topics:​​
A&P + Pathophysiology for Field Providers
Austere Critical Care
Full-Spectrum Patient Assessments
Austere Wound Care
Resuscitation in PCC
Prolonged Airway Management
Nursing Care in Austere Environments
Improvised Clinic Operations
Operational Telemedicine
Medical Operations Planning
Medical Support to Irregular Forces
To book a personalized training event with EURMED, the following parameters must be fulfilled:
Facilities to hold seminar in (a classroom or similar) must be available.
Projector, digital whiteboard or other means of displaying presentations must be available.
Depending on the kind of training you would like to conduct we might need access to your facilities such as obstacle courses or other simulation facilities.
If you would like to train your staff on your specific equipment we might need to access that equipment for training purpouses.